Unit 5: Putting It All Together
Clear paths to safe, equitable drawdown exist today: reducing sources, supporting sinks, and building a more equal human society all play pivotal roles. Take a closer look—from critical features to dollars and cents—at Project Drawdown’s Framework for Climate Solutions, and explore dozens of known paths to a more hopeful inflection point. Learn why comprehensive, equitable climate action is the largest business and job creation opportunity in human history.
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Expert Conversations
Assistant Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara
Dr. Stokes works on energy, climate, and environmental politics. Within American Politics, her work focuses on representation and public opinion; voting behavior; and public policy—particularly at the state level. Within environmental politics, she researches climate change, renewable energy, water and chemicals policy. Stokes’ book, Short Circuiting Policy, examines the role that utilities have played in promoting climate denial and rolling back clean energy laws. She contributed to the anthology, All We Can Save—a collection of essays written by influential women in the climate space, and co-hosts the podcast “A Matter of Degrees” with Project Drawdown alum Dr. Katharine Wilkinson. Follow Stokes on Twitter and visit her online.
Hear more about game-changing climate solutions in Unit 5, which outlines clear paths to safe, equitable, and comprehensive climate action.
Dive into climate policy opportunities with Dr. Stokes, Professor of Political Science at the University of California at Santa Barbara. From local policies to global action, Stokes discusses the importance of equity, meaningful corporate climate commitments, and more.
33:24Angel investor, clean energy advocate, award-winning author
Naam is a pioneering thought leader focused on climate and energy, speaking frequently on the inevitability and increasing price advantage of clean energy. He serves as advisor and investor to clean energy, mobility, and climate-related startups around the world. Born in Cairo, Egypt before moving to the U.S. at age three, Naam began his career at Microsoft before moving on to work on clean energy and climate change. Naam has written five books, including the nonfiction bestseller The Infinite Resource: The Power of Ideas on a Finite Planet. Follow him on Twitter and visit his website.
Hear more about fascinating energy solutions in Unit 5, which outlines clear paths to safe, equitable, and comprehensive climate action.
Explore climate solutions with Naam, a pioneering thought leader focused on energy. From the experience of climate refugees to the importance of government buy-in and positive climate messaging, Naam discusses the path to a brighter climate future.
Assistant Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara
Dr. Stokes works on energy, climate, and environmental politics. Within American Politics, her work focuses on representation and public opinion; voting behavior; and public policy—particularly at the state level. Within environmental politics, she researches climate change, renewable energy, water and chemicals policy. Stokes’ book, Short Circuiting Policy, examines the role that utilities have played in promoting climate denial and rolling back clean energy laws. She contributed to the anthology, All We Can Save—a collection of essays written by influential women in the climate space, and co-hosts the podcast “A Matter of Degrees” with Project Drawdown alum Dr. Katharine Wilkinson. Follow Stokes on Twitter and visit her online.
Hear more about game-changing climate solutions in Unit 5, which outlines clear paths to safe, equitable, and comprehensive climate action.
Dive into climate policy opportunities with Dr. Stokes, Professor of Political Science at the University of California at Santa Barbara. From local policies to global action, Stokes discusses the importance of equity, meaningful corporate climate commitments, and more.

Angel investor, clean energy advocate, award-winning author
Naam is a pioneering thought leader focused on climate and energy, speaking frequently on the inevitability and increasing price advantage of clean energy. He serves as advisor and investor to clean energy, mobility, and climate-related startups around the world. Born in Cairo, Egypt before moving to the U.S. at age three, Naam began his career at Microsoft before moving on to work on clean energy and climate change. Naam has written five books, including the nonfiction bestseller The Infinite Resource: The Power of Ideas on a Finite Planet. Follow him on Twitter and visit his website.
Hear more about fascinating energy solutions in Unit 5, which outlines clear paths to safe, equitable, and comprehensive climate action.
Explore climate solutions with Naam, a pioneering thought leader focused on energy. From the experience of climate refugees to the importance of government buy-in and positive climate messaging, Naam discusses the path to a brighter climate future.